By Jordan Owen
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By now the Trump administration has turned into a non-stop three ring circus of postmodern surrealism. Where George W. Bush represented a resurgence of Bible thumping Reagan Republicans, this new administration (a term that is polite at best) caters exclusively to the most deranged and unsettling elements of the GOP. But more than that, it caters to a very dark and very disturbing trend in human behavior.
There is a popular saying going around among Trump's most ardent defenders, trying to explain the Donald's bizarre, erratic behavior. I've even heard it used by YouTubers that I'm otherwise a fan of, like the Rageaholic, and that phrase is "he's playing four dimensional chess." This is meant to suggest that what we are perceiving as uncontrolled, eccentric, inexplicable actions are in fact the work of a mind so far ahead of our own that we can't begin to comprehend the brilliance of his vision.
No. That's not what Donald Trump is doing. Just like its not what David Koresh, Jim Jones, L. Ron Hubbard and Charles Manson were doing. What we are seeing is best summarized in a chilling quote from Mickey Rourke in the cult classic Rumble Fish:
"Even the most primitive society has an innate respect for the insane."
That is what we are seeing here as it has been all along. Trump is a deranged lunatic as has always been known to the people closest to him. Trump ghostwriter Tony Schwartz put it best: if he had it to do over, he would not have used the title "The Art of the Deal." Instead he would have called it "The Sociopath." Trump is a strange creature- he is completely surface but we long for there to be a depth to him to such a degree that it becomes almost an act of faith. As such its no surprise that so many like him channel that fascination into becoming religious leaders. As Schwartz explained in his excellent interview with the New Yorker, there is no human depth to Donald Trump. He is entirely surface. He reads no books, has no higher intellectual pursuits, and can't sit still for very long. He is short tempered and has little patience for dissent. Yet through it all we long for there to be something there that justifies the attention and respect we give him. It's for this reason that we, as a species, are tempted to say that someone like Trump is "playing four dimensional chess." We see the spastic rolling on the ground screaming gibberish and we decide they're in touch with the divine. No, Donald Trump is not a brilliant navigator of media and politics when he randomly declares that his home was wire-tapped by the Obama administration. He is not some Bobby-Fischer-meets-Machiavelli super genius. He's a psyche dominated almost entirely by id and the sooner we see that the better.
So why are we so willing to go this route? Why is it so difficult to accept that we screwed up with letting this creep into our lives and need to move on? To understand the macro, let's consider the micro. Donald Trump's relationship to his legion of supporters is comparable to the classic emotionally abusive boyfriend. Yes, redpillers, I agree that women can be just as abusive. But I want to stress a particular narrative of abuse that seems to be largely male to female in nature as it pertains, often, to successful women.
Nearly ten years ago I reconnected with a girl from my high school days that I was convinced was The One. By every possible metric she and I should have been an ideal match. She was bright, talented, successful, a fellow artist, and beautiful in a manner that called to mind the stunning, elegant women of the silent film era. I knew that only the best type of man deserved to be with such a woman and aspired to be worthy of her affections. She knew I liked her and reciprocated the interest. There was a brief spark of involvement between us before she dropped me for another man. At the time I was devastated and confused- I was 6'2'' and lifted weights. This guy was a scrawny wastrel that would have made Jackie Earle Haley look like Jack Lalanne. I brought her flowers to her performances. He couldn't be bothered to show up. She was a show-stopping master of her craft. He was a scowling weasel that faded into the woodwork. You get the idea- it was the classic nice-guys-finish-last narrative. That bitter pill every man swallows when he learns that Prince Charming is about the last thing anybody wants or respects.
In any case, I eventually rallied and went on to meet and date other women but I started hearing from mutual friends something that I had long suspected to be true- that he was abusing her and people were starting to worry about her. After awhile I got romantically involved with someone that knew I still had residual feelings for this girl and wanted me to go confront her so we could move forward with our new relationship. So I did- I went and sat down with her and told her everything- that I thought this guy was bad news and that I would have been a far better choice. In light of the fact that I was doing this to get my feelings out and move on, she was patient, understanding, and thanked me for telling her how I felt. Some months later I learned from a friend that after I talked to her she had gotten engaged to marry that creep and, shortly before the wedding, had gotten cold feet. His response had been to throw her out of his house. And by that I mean physically shove her and her belongings out the front door of his house.
When I learned of that news I was saddened and felt genuinely sorry for her but I didn't reach out to her. Friends wanted to know why I wasn't the gallant knight swooping in to catch her and save the day. The simple answer was that as much as I had once cared for her I had come to understand that her decision to choose that scumbag over me was an insult and, if anything, she owed me an apology. No, I'm not going to be your Knight in Shining Armor when the chief of the Slappahoe tribe decides he's done with you- not if you already had the chance and made the worst possible choice.
What is it about these men that draws in women who are overwhelmingly successful, bright and talented? Gender ideologues of different stripes might offer various socio-sexual explanations but I think it goes back to the same mentality that drives us to think that Donald Trump is functioning on some MENSA level strategy when really all he's doing is shot putting his bowel movements all over the monkey house that is Twitter. We are taken in by a charismatic sociopath and, being non-sociopathic individuals assume that such charisma proceeds from confidence and, being non-sociopathic individuals- assume that such confidence proceeds from the achievement of values. Non-sociopathic individuals have values and work to attain those values and earn respect through the development of our character. As such we can't comprehend someone who considers charisma and confidence to be their default rather than something that is earned and cultivated over time. Being unable to comprehend their wildly grandiose behavior we let our good intentions give them an odd sort of exhalation. They know that they command our attention even though we don't know why- and that's why even the most primitive society has an innate respect for the insane. Trump isn't brilliantly playing the media and politicians against one another- he's incurring random confusion and chaos with such sociopathic confidence that we convince ourselves it's some kind of heightened brilliance.
Even Dilbert creator Scott Adams, the first and most prophetic voice of a Trump victory emphasized the one and only skill that Donald Trump has ever exhibited: persuasion. And it's the only skill you can rightly attribute to the list of all-hat-and-no-cattle cult leaders I mentioned earlier. We didn't put a master business strategist in the White House. We let a Pick-Up Artist con his way into the country's bedroom and now we're sitting weeping in front of our friends- let's say their names are LaMexica and Canadaniqua- telling them that we brought it on ourselves and he really does care they just can't see it. He's actually a great boyfriend- he's just playing four dimensional chess with our hearts.
The darkest and most foreboding aspect of this video is the possibility that the macro will match the micro in my warning as well. Here I am telling you that this guy is bad news and you, the Trump supporter, want to believe that contrary to all the evidence he's operating on some higher level that you can't understand but sense is there and evidenced only to those who truly support him. You don't want to admit that you done goofed on this one. You're willing to stomach the abuse and tell us you walked into a door when we ask about the bruises just so we don't realize what a dumb mistake you made and look down on you. Well guess what- we already know what a dumb decision this was it already is lowering our opinion of you so what are you holding on to? I wouldn't care if it was a one-to-one relationship. That's your life to throw away and you have my permission to do it. But this is bigger than that- you're dragging some 300,000,000 US citizens- to say nothing of the rest of the human race- down with you. I'm sure he's a really great guy once you get to know him.
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