I can only please one person a day and today isn't your day. (And tomorrow isn't looking too good either.)
These words have plagued the desks of receptionists, secretaries, and other clerical workers for years- nay- decades. I could understand this being amusing for a few months around the time it first came out, but why the hell has is held on this long? I can remember seeing this on the front of the principle's secretary's desk when I was in 3rd grade which was literally 20 years ago. Memes come and go. There was a time when we were all saying "WASSSAAAP" when we answered the phone. There was a time when we got a kick out of saying "all your base are belong to us." But those all came and went. They lived out their relevance and were discarded in the dustbin of nostalgia. Hell- not even nostalgia. Nostalgia is something you're supposed to look back on fondly. We all just realize how annoying these memes have become and move on to new ones. So why does this one meme persist? Do people really think its still witty and original? Are secretaries really such sad, emotional shut ins that they think they've hit on something amusing and original? But even more so, does anyone still think this is amusing to the people who read it? Whenever I see this posted some where I feel like I've been given the finger.
Here's a new version of the same sentiment for the 21st century:
I'm here to do my job but I'm so goddamn ungrateful to be employed in this shitty economy that I'm going to act like I'm being put upon by your being here and requesting to perform the simple service that I'm paid to do because I'm an ungrateful, ass gasket that thinks some bullshit catchphrase from 20 years ago is still amusing even though every other pop culture fad from the early 90's is buried deep in the dark recesses of the minds of society so FUCK YOU!
See how it just rolls off the tongue?
A sad attempt to show others how much control we have over our own lives, perhaps? Ironically showing just the opposite of course. I can imagine some miserable, middle-aged woman working a job she hates, trying to stick it to the boss by taking her sweet time in completing some mind numbing task.