Friday, June 10, 2016

Secession in the Age of Branding

 On Twitter I'd been hearing about the "Brexit" but I've been on an informal sabbatical from knowing what's going on in the world so I didn't bother to get hip to the new lingo.  As it turns out there's a big push to have the UK secede from the European Union.  Being one for smaller self government, I say good on them.

But something occurs to me: next we'll be hearing about the Frexit (France), the Swexit (Sweden), the Bulexit (Bulgaria), the Croexit (Croatia), etc. etc.

In an age where tyranny is held in place largely by the overwhelming apathy of the populace it may well be that all we've needed to throw off oppressive yokes was a good branding campaign.  Something you can put on a decorative rubber wristband.  There was a time when freedom was enough of a novelty that it branded itself in the minds of the people- the advertising campaign in favor of kicking out an oppressive dictatorship just kind of writes itself when you're forking over your last shillings to a pompous redcoat on an equally pompous horse.  But now there's more vying for our attention- and freedom needs a rebrand.

So come on Europe- embrace freedom the only way the modern man and woman can appreciate it: with an inane slogan campaign that makes my OCD hackles sit up and turn red.  It may well be your only hope in a world that has the attention span of a bumper sticker.


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