Friday, September 2, 2016

A New Chapter

By Jordan Owen

I move to a new apartment next week.  I should be packing but instead I'm sitting here procrastinating.  First I was watching Scott Adams on the Ruben Report [link] and playing Plants vs. Zombies 2.  Then it was finishing season 3 of Bojack Horseman and assembling a puzzle.  I need to be calling the gas and power companies and filling out change of address forms.  But I feel like there's some mental hurdle that I need to surpass before I can get to that.

Truth be told, this move represents a new chapter in my life.  It's only about twenty minutes away from where I am now but with that comes a feeling of rejuvenation- a sense that I can start over.  I'll be 33 this Sunday.  Young enough to start over but old enough to know that I don't have many reset buttons left to push.  And it's not a total do-over; I still have the same friends and play in the same band (we're hard at work on the new record, btw, and it is going to KILL) and will live in the same state, etc, but those who know the greater Atlanta area know that even a move across town denotes a change in lifestyle and atmosphere.  I'll miss living in midtown but I'll save a ton of money at my new place and be a short drive from my old stomping grounds if I decide to visit.

For me 2016 was a year of coming to terms with things.  Coming to terms with the fact that I had spent the preceding two years allowing my career and reputation be run into the ground by an abusive and manipulative person.  Accepting that blogging about SJWs and their assorted batshittery had taken me off the course in life that I wanted to be on and that I would have to embark on a considerable PR campaign to shift my public image even one tiny iota.

To this day people still ask me what I was thinking when I got into all of that.  The simple answer is "I wasn't," but the reality is more complex than that.  Rather than expound at length I'll just say that choosing to step away from my previous persona and focus on developing my personal life and creative aspirations was absolutely the right thing to do.  So I'm closing one chapter in my life and starting another one- but closure of a life's chapter is not so simple as turning a single page.  There are many pages to turn and they turn seemingly at random. Sometimes a gust of wind comes along and sends the whole book back a hundred pages.  When that happens I'm aghast to reread the chapters I'd already gone through, gleaning from them in a second reading new clarity and insights that were lost on me before.  But now I have the calm I need to remind myself that while the prose of those chapters remain vivid I don't have to go back over them to appreciate their meaning.

I've got my computer fixed and videos will come more quickly to the channel once I'm moved.


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