Saturday, October 29, 2016

If Hillary Wins (My Promise to Liberals)

By Jordan Owen

It is with considerable trepidation that I've toed the waters of political commentary once again.  I recently put up a scathing critique of Donald Trump that inflamed many on the right.  Now let's turn our attention to the left. Strangely, both of these groups fail to hear me criticizing both of them.  Somehow each side thinks I pick on them more.  In unguarded moments some in the Alt-Right have even speculated that I'm a covert operative sent to gain their trust and... screw them over by occasionally pointing out where they're wrong.  Well, as Frank Zappa said, realizing you suck is the first step towards getting better.

To the left I'm a white devil born of privilege into the heternormative patriarchy of yadda, yadda, yaddda.  I bring all of  this up because, unfortunately, my one and only documentary film project was aimed directly at them and was critical of the hypocritical bullshit they espouse.  To this end, I bear some of the brunt of responsibility for my public perception over the years- it's just so damn easy to get under the skin of progressives (and, increasingly, it's easy ruffle the feathers of the far right- just remind them that their leading candidate is Twitter drama attention whore with a spray tan.) But by indulging the social narcotic that is seeing the misguided get enraged over petty nonsense, I lost sight of my true message and my true goal.

So, to both the left and the right, I want to make something abundantly clear: come November 8th we are going to have a new round of Washington bullshit to deal with and whoever leads the charge- spray tan or pants suit- is going to be in for a lot of critical commentary from yours truly.  So, progressives, I'll make a deal with you: I won't bring up Hillary Clinton's gender and I hope you don't either.  If Hillary wins you're going to find that her "first ____ to do _____" history making presidential win is going to disappear from public awareness rather quickly because 1. we don't actually live in a sexist society and 2. just like with Obama, we can't just sit and bask in the warm glow of diversity for four years. At some point we have to get back to the real meat of the issues facing the country and when that comes Hillary will be right on some things and wrong on others.

Now, do I think Hillary is a better candidate for president than Trump? Yes. But that's not saying very much.  Put it this way- if you were going to undergo assisted suicide would you rather have Dr. Kevorkian gently give you a lethal injection along with heavy sedatives that would make your final moments feel light, painless and unencumbered or would you rather be strapped down to a conveyor belt heading towards a saw blade?

Between the two the choice should be obvious. I just happen to be in the camp of people who think it's absurd to choose assisted suicide over being cured of the disease altogether simply because the doctor with the cure didn't know what Aleppo was.

So that's my promise to you, Liberals. If Trump wins it will be four unbroken years of withering derision levied at the orange Teletubby but if it's Hillary I'll still be raking her over the coals- I just won't be saying anything about her gender so when you hear me commenting on Hillary just imagine that she's a politician you don't regard as female.

You know, like Michelle Bachmann.


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